Wednesday, May 20, 2015


When we live in a society where money is not the medium for power, maybe we can actually control money. But the question is, is that society exist?  We need money everywhere and we work hard for it. The fact is all of us live in societies that deal with money and we try to control it. My father told me that money is something we can reach but we can't control. He said let money control us. 

I agree that maybe money is something we can't control but I think we can control ourselves. Money is just a paper. Yeah, a powerful paper. Some people will claim that they try to control money and money doesn't control them, but the truth is money controls us all. We work hard all day just to get money so we can fulfill our need. People can do bad thing just because they want to have much money. Sometimes, someone is killed in the name of money. We just need to realize it. Really??

I think maybe I agree with that statement. But, I think that statement just confuse the general concept of money. When we talked about money controls us like we control people, I think we just talk about the general concept of money itself. As we know, the power of money is human's concept. They made it. Government make the concept to control our economic problems. So, when we ask do we control money or does money control us?, the answer is very relative. It defends on our view.

To understand this situation, maybe we need to know the concept of fractional reserve banking and its history. By learn the history maybe we'll find some information that help us to understand this situation and change our view. In this modern era, money system is so complicated. We don't actually know what's going on. Maybe we should ask what has government does to our money? We need to learn how money and banking work.

Money is power. It is a bad master but it is a good servant. We just need to make difference between working to earn money by a honest way and doing anything even the illegal way to get more money. Money is our need. We need it to survive. When we work to get money and be honest in our job I think we are not controlled by money, but when we do anything even the illegal way just to get more money, I agree that money has controlled us.

We can't claim that we don't need money because we live in the world and money is a medium of exchange. However, we need it. We need it to buy meal, we need it to pay rental, we use it to fulfill our need. But, just remember that money is not the only one that can make us happy. Money is not the only one that make us feel alive. So don't make money as reason for every decision in our life. We have heart and brain to manage it.

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